What is a Visioning Plan?

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What is a Visioning Plan?

A Visioning Plan is a compass for future decisions and plans. It is community built, long-term, aspirational, and flexible. Our Summit will be a plan that will evolve alongside Summit County's changing needs while ensuring the County continues to make progress towards community-identified long-term goals.

How is the Vision created?

The Visioning Plan will build upon previous planning efforts and will be shaped by community members who participate in the process. Summit County's most recent visioning efforts were tied to the Eastern Summit County General Plan (2013), and the Snyderville Basin General Plan (2015). Our Summit aims to identify a vision for the whole county while respecting the unique characteristics of each distinct community.

Why is the Community Vision important?

The goal of the project is to create a cohesive vision and strategic plan to help guide the future of Summit County for the next 20 years. The community-crafted Vision is something that the County can return to when faced with decisions regarding future challenges and opportunities. This is your chance to be heard!

Be a part of Our Summit Community Visioning Plan and get involved today!

What is a Visioning Plan?

A Visioning Plan is a compass for future decisions and plans. It is community built, long-term, aspirational, and flexible. Our Summit will be a plan that will evolve alongside Summit County's changing needs while ensuring the County continues to make progress towards community-identified long-term goals.

How is the Vision created?

The Visioning Plan will build upon previous planning efforts and will be shaped by community members who participate in the process. Summit County's most recent visioning efforts were tied to the Eastern Summit County General Plan (2013), and the Snyderville Basin General Plan (2015). Our Summit aims to identify a vision for the whole county while respecting the unique characteristics of each distinct community.

Why is the Community Vision important?

The goal of the project is to create a cohesive vision and strategic plan to help guide the future of Summit County for the next 20 years. The community-crafted Vision is something that the County can return to when faced with decisions regarding future challenges and opportunities. This is your chance to be heard!

Be a part of Our Summit Community Visioning Plan and get involved today!

Page last updated: 01 Jun 2023, 11:15 AM